
OK, everybody, let's get this thing rolling, shall we?

In the interests of efficiency, I'm going to choose the first play. However, if you have a play you think would be good candidates for discussion -- maybe a play that you've seen or read that you've always wanted to talk about, or one you haven't seen or read but always wanted to -- feel free to email your suggestion (walt828 at gmail dot com). Remember that I have made a commitment to draw every play from Scribd.com as a way of keeping the cost of participation low. [If you subscribe to Scribd using my link (https://www.scribd.com/g/7r35cp), you will receive 2 months free and after that I believe it is $9.99 on a month to month basis.] 

Our polling showed that 75% of you preferred a mix of classics and modern/contemporary plays, and the other 25% preferred just modern/contemporary plays. So we'll place the emphasis on modern and contemporary plays with a few classics thrown in now and then.

We'll meet every other week starting Sunday, July 12.

After crunching the numbers, I've decided to offer 3 different opportunities for you to talk about each play:

  • Sunday 6:30-7:45 EDT
  • Sunday 8:00-9:15 EDT
  • Monday 1:30 - 2:45 EDT

We'll be meeting on Zoom, and I will post a link to each session on the page for the play here on the blog. I'll also try to provide some links to information about the play and playwright, and if I have the time a short video introduction by me.

Several of you have worried about perhaps not having the time to get every play read, which is totally understandable -- sometimes life gets in the way. So at those time, you have two options: 1) just skip coming, or 2) log in to the discussion just to listen to the rest of us talk about the play. Whichever you choose is fine -- no need to let me know, or apologize, or feel guilty. This whole thing should be enjoyable, and not stressful.


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