Play #1 (July 12/13): The Visit

The Visit production image

Our first play, scheduled for Sunday, July 12 (6:30-7:45, or 8:00-9:15) or Monday, July 13 (1:30-2:45) [all times EDT] will be Friedrich Durrenmatt's 1956 tragi-comedy The Visit.

Where to find the script:

While Durrenmatt may or may not be a playwright you've heard of before, if you have seen Sean Penn's 2001 film The Pledge starring Jack Nicholson you've experienced his work.

Supplementary Reading

  • Isn't reading a play enough? Sure it is. But sometimes another work of art can create an interesting dialogue with another. I find the connection to novelist Ursala Le Guin's powerful 12-page short story The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas: A Story intriguing. (I have linked to the Scribd version, but there is another free version here.)
  • Kenneth J. Northcott provides an excellent introduction to Durrenmatt, including a discussion of The Visit (spoilers, though, so read it afterwards).
  • London's National Theatre did a production last year, and their webpage for it includes interviews with the director, several actors, and lots of pretty pictures including the one above.
  • Bonus Post-reading film inspired by The Visit, Dogville (2003) by Danish director Lars von Trier (thanks, Lise Kloeppel)

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Sunday, July 12 starting at 6:30pm (EDT)

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Sunday, July 12 starting at 8:00pm EDT

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Monday, July 13 at 1:30pm EDT

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